Processed Human Plasma

Processed plasma is a great alternative to human serum for producing controls and calibrators, ensuring uniformity and consistency. It provides a base matrix for accurate analyte measurement and improves assay reliability.

Processed Human Plasma Techniques

Achieving Consistency and Minimizing Interference

Processed human plasma undergoes a variety of specialized techniques to address potential interferences and inconsistencies found in unprocessed plasma. These techniques ultimately lead to a more reliable solution for your research needs.

Our processing methods include defibrination, charcoal stripping, large-scale filtration or delipidation, and dialysis.




Defibrinated plasma is plasma from which fibrinogen and other clotting factors have been removed, preventing coagulation

Use in calibrators and controls

Stable matrix for controls and calibrators, preventing coagulation from affecting assay performance

Charcoal Stripping


Charcoal stripping removes lipophilic substances like hormones and lipids from plasma by adsorbing them onto activated charcoal

Use in calibrators and controls

Charcoal stripped plasma is free of lipophilic substances that may interfere with assays, enhancing specificity and accuracy, particularly in hormone and lipid assays



Filtration eliminates particulate matter and aggregates from plasma, producing a clear and particle-free solution
0.1 µm filtered

Use in calibrators and controls

Filtered plasma provides a clean matrix for controls and calibrators, ensuring reliable assay performance and improving diagnostic test accuracy and precision by removing interference from particulate matter



Delipidation is the process of removing lipids (fats) from plasma, which reduces lipid interference in assays

Use in calibrators and controls

Delipidated plasma provides a clean matrix for controls and calibrators, reducing lipid interference in assays and ensuring accurate measurement of analyte



Eliminates the excess of calcium used in the defibrination step

Use in calibrators and controls

It ensures more stable and normalized parameters 

Technique Purpose Use in calibrators and controls


Defibrinated plasma is plasma from which fibrinogen and other clotting factors have been removed, preventing coagulation

Stable matrix for controls and calibrators, preventing coagulation from affecting assay performance

Charcoal Stripping

Charcoal stripping removes lipophilic substances like hormones and lipids from plasma by adsorbing them onto activated charcoal

Charcoal stripped plasma is free of lipophilic substances that may interfere with assays, enhancing specificity and accuracy, particularly in hormone and lipid assays


Filtration eliminates particulate matter and aggregates from plasma, producing a clear and particle-free solution
0.1 µm filtered

Filtered plasma provides a clean matrix for controls and calibrators, ensuring reliable assay performance and improving diagnostic test accuracy and precision by removing interference from particulate matter


Delipidation is the process of removing lipids (fats) from plasma, which reduces lipid interference in assays

Delipidated plasma provides a clean matrix for controls and calibrators, reducing lipid interference in assays and ensuring accurate measurement of analyte


Eliminates the excess of calcium used in the defibrination step

It ensures more stable and normalized parameters 


Tailored Processed Plasma Solutions

We understand your research needs are unique. Our processed human plasma can be customized upon request. Feel free to reach out to us with your specific requirements.

Product Options and Specifications

Matching Your Assay Needs: Defibrinated Plasma and Standard Human Serum

Defibrinated Plasma

A Core Processed Plasma Option

Defibrinated plasma forms the foundation of our processed human plasma offerings. It's produced by separating plasma from whole blood and then removing fibrinogen, a clotting factor. This defibrination process creates a more consistent and homogeneous sample compared to off-the-clot (OTC) serum.


Defibrinated plasma is a versatile option ideal for researchers needing a well-characterized and consistent processed plasma solution for their assays.

Standard Human Serum (SHS)

A Highly Purified Processed Plasma Option

Standard human serum (SHS) represents a further refinement of defibrinated plasma, offering the highest level of purity among our processed plasma options. It presents a reliable replacement for off-the-clot (OTC) serum.


SHS is produced by subjecting defibrinated plasma to a specialized high purification process that significantly lowers citrate levels from approximately 60 mg/dL to an average of 3 mg/dL, which is within the physiological range values.


SHS Advantages:

  • Enhanced Performance: Our high purification process elevates the effectiveness of standard defibrinated plasma by reducing citrate concentration to physiological levels.
  • Increased Availability: Compared to OTC serum, SHS offers greater availability due to its production through plasmapheresis.
  • Customization Options: We offer customization possibilities for SHS to meet your specific research needs.

SHS is the optimal choice for researchers requiring a high level of purity, consistency, and minimal interference for their assays. Its exceptional characteristics make it ideal for sensitive assays and research demanding the most reliable data.


Key Differences

Understanding the Difference between OTC Serum and Our Two Processed Plasma Options

Selecting the right plasma is crucial for your research. This table compares three common options: off-the-clot serum (OTC serum), defibrinated plasma, and standard human serum. Each option has distinct characteristics due to its processing method (or lack thereof for OTC serum). Understanding these differences will help you choose the plasma most suited to your assay requirements.



OTC Serum

Serum collected from whole blood that is allowed to coagulate naturally

Defibrinated Plasma (Processed Plasma)

Plasma converted to serum by adding calcium and thrombin to generate the clot

Standard Human Serum (Processed Plasma)

Defibrinated plasma that undergoes a further high purification process that significantly reduces citrate concentration to physiological levels

Collection Method

OTC Serum

Blood donation

Defibrinated Plasma (Processed Plasma)


Standard Human Serum (Processed Plasma)



OTC Serum

No addition

Defibrinated Plasma (Processed Plasma)

Sodium citrate

Standard Human Serum (Processed Plasma)

Sodium citrate

Citrate Concentration

OTC Serum

Physiological levels: 1.3-7.6 mg/dL¹

Defibrinated Plasma (Processed Plasma)

~60 mg/dL

Standard Human Serum (Processed Plasma)

~3 mg/dL

Collection per Donor

OTC Serum

1.5 L/Year

Defibrinated Plasma (Processed Plasma)

83.2 L/Year

Standard Human Serum (Processed Plasma)

83.2 L/Year

Recommended Use

OTC Serum

Negative base matrix

Defibrinated Plasma (Processed Plasma)

Standard use for large negative base matriz manufacturing

Standard Human Serum (Processed Plasma)

Use for large negative base matrix manufacturing when additive factors can interfere in the manufacturing process

¹ Welshman SG, McCambridge H. The estimation of citrate in serum and urine using a citrate lyase technique. Clin Chim Acta., 1973;46(3):243-246.

  OTC Serum Defibrinated Plasma (Processed Plasma) Standard Human Serum (Processed Plasma)


Serum collected from whole blood that is allowed to coagulate naturally

Plasma converted to serum by adding calcium and thrombin to generate the clot

Defibrinated plasma that undergoes a further high purification process that significantly reduces citrate concentration to physiological levels

Collection Method

Blood donation




No addition

Sodium citrate

Sodium citrate

Citrate Concentration

Physiological levels: 1.3-7.6 mg/dL¹

~60 mg/dL

~3 mg/dL

Collection per Donor

1.5 L/Year

83.2 L/Year

83.2 L/Year

Recommended Use

Negative base matrix

Standard use for large negative base matriz manufacturing

Use for large negative base matrix manufacturing when additive factors can interfere in the manufacturing process

Key Benefits

Reliable Assays. Control and Calibrate with Confidence

Quality Assurance and Safety

Our human serum products are collected at FDA- and EMA-licensed centers and manufactured under a strict quality assurance system, delivering quality and safety you can rely on.

Large Collection Capabilities

Grifols boasts the largest plasma donor center network worldwide, with over 350 centers strategically distributed across the US, Europe, and Africa. This extensive network facilitates over 45,000 daily donations, ensuring a consistent and reliable supply to meet your research needs no matter your location.

Expert Support

Our skilled customer service team is committed to providing outstanding support at every stage of the process.

Customization Solutions

Our manufacturing processes can be tailored to customer specifications.

Let Grifols be your trusted partner

Contact a Grifols representative today to get more information.

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